Real Time

Real time. Watch out for it. In fact, watch out for real anything. This very morning Elisheva, currently my absolute favorite rabbi, explained that a Jewish wedding without a ketubah...well, it isn't quite Jewish. The wedding agreement being intrinsic to the experience. I thought about this weighty matter and hit upon the only contemporary solution: a virtual ketubah. Elisheva smiled wanly. What the hell. It's a serious matter, if you're presiding over a wedding. Let alone being the groom. Having Read more [...]

Dream a Little Dream

Perhaps it's permanent, whatever effect emanates from this conjunction of mind-boggling events. Which really amount to very little. Some weather. Little problem with the phone. Honestly, it's not life in Dhaka, is it? No, it's life in a leafy California high-tech executive suburb. And one shouldn't complain. But one does. And yet one doesn't. That is the strange thing. First, we have the swooning effects of heat on the quadriplegic. Then we have the AT&T U-verse. They are inseparable, these two. Read more [...]


Summertime, and the livin' is easier with the temperature in the warm zone, rather than the hot. Yes, the neurologically compromised aren't terribly fond of the heat. Perspiration founders in hot weather, leaving the body high and dry. High in temperature, low in evaporative moisture. Screwed, in other words. But those other words are no longer necessary, for it is now summer in the way summer should be summer. Pleasant. No better summertime reading than Carl Hiaasen, I always say. Particularly Read more [...]