
“Is it raining yet,” Jane asks as I emerge from the office. I roll into the kitchen, drop my tea mug in the sink and consider the matter. Outside nothing is happening. The skies are gray, but the deck is dry. I recall the morning’s radio forecast. Actually, I also recall the fact that the morning one-hour talk show on our local NPR station has promised a major storm, preparing everyone for power outages. In the late morning, Jane checked her iPhone weather app which warned of a deluge at Read more [...]


Since this blog is coming back to life, is the same true of me? One hopes. Two hope also, such as my brother and his wife who just got coronavirus vaccinations. Hard to say why these are apparently more or less readily available in Seattle but not here in San Francisco. But in another dimension, it’s not hard at all. We will be living with the aftermath of the Trump era for a long time. The rest of my life, probably. And that aftermath will entail malfeasance, confusion, violence…and relief.  As Read more [...]